Lifts and Gains
CRM Strategy
Course Guidebook
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CRM Practices

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Topics and Objectives:

This module introduces lifts and gains which are commonly used measures to assess a model's performance. Presumably a model will outperform no model - but how much better is it?

So far we have used RFM to predict who will respond to a marketing campaign and to select who to target.  Next we will consider more sophisticated statistical models.  But first we'll consider lifts and gains as a way to gauge a model's performance - they can also be used to compare alternative or competing models.

Required Readings:

Assessing a Model's Performance: Lifts, Gains and Profits

    Starting with some basic information, this note explains what lift and gains are, and steps you through the calculations.

Assignment 2: Assessing RFM at Tuscan Lifestyles

    This assignment asks you to compare how well RFM works compared to mass mailing for a catalog offering.

    Excel file for assignment:
    lifts and gains.xls

[CRM Strategy] [Course Guidebook] [Course Roadmap] [Additional Reading] [CRM Practices]